Your Cronenberg Academy graduating child was just accused of a felony and you are panicking?

There is an alternative to prison if your child hasn't graduated from college yet: The Cronenberg Annex.

We can be an altenative to prison time in 10 states (and up to 3 more) of the South East of the USA which will get your child a college degree and bring down their ego to a non-criminal level

The core principle for Cronenberg schools and our annex are the same: teaching dicipline and humility by enforcing nudity as the sole punishment for breaking rules.

We just... consider that being a criminal is a major rule break and enfore complete permanent nudity for the whole 3 year process.

Isolation from our corrupted society

Four of our residents studying instead of partying

When society fails our kids

Let's be honest, most girls would prefer to become a porn star to learning chemistry. To date a bad boy who can get her beer to helping the elderly. Most boys chase girls instead of wanting to work hard.

You chose a Cronenberg school for your child because you believed in hard discipline and bringing down their ego to a socially acceptable level.

Each day of punishment, your child was exposed to their true self, to their true worth, so that they could realize how they are but a cog in the machine of society.

For most of the Cronenberg students, this hard punishement for failure approach helped them become 4.0 and more GPA students and highly sought after employees. They know that freedom is short lived and hard work pays off. Not like the lazy public school students who get a passing grade just for showing up (and sometimes, even if not showing up.)

Did you know that Cronenberg schools have the lowest days of absence per student in the country? When 2 days nude per day of school missed is the penalty, students show up.

Our progress is the extension of the permanent punishment

It's rare that a student is permanently banned from wearing clothing in school, but the threat of it, is needed to keep some troubled students in check. When that fails, the punishment is dealt and that is fair and just.

But is sending your elite child to prison with common criminals who have no education a fair and just punishment? We do not think so.

Our program combines the permanent punishment with an all natural diet to purge corrupting chemicals from the bodies of our students all while keeping their weight in check.

A fit person is an adult who fits with society.

This is combined with a strict purging of modern media, from woke progaganda to cop killing music, from pornographic mainstream movies and TV shows to violence conditioning video games.

For three years, your child will not:

  • Listen to any music outside of approved TV shows and movies soundtracks
  • Drink any soft drinks, eat any junk food, have any caffeine or eat any candies or chocolate
  • Play any modern violent videogames, being restricted to a few classic video games of the 80s on an original NES console
  • Watch any perverted TV shows like Euphoria which banalize drug use
  • Be in contact with tobacco, drugs, alcohol, tattoo artists or piercings
  • Be recruited by street gangs or be subject to random violence

In short, your child will be safe

Look how happy and wholesome these residents are.

Away from society to get back into it

No social media, no cellphone, no modern woke brain rotting books, no perverted news cycles talking about violence and no violent videogames.

Our students follow a monotonous regime where all they can do is eat, do chores and study for their college degree.

They only get 3 hours of living room access per 3 day period.

Most of our students lose the majority of their self-centered attitudes.

Girls are safe from the boys thanks to the power of chastity

When the first Cronenberg Academy was founded in the 1800s, it was clear in our founder's mind that the program could only benefit women, as men are perverts who would enjoy being punished by nudity

In his mind, men enjoy projecting power from their genitals by exposing them to other men, and of course, to women.

When the first Cronenberg Academy for boys was opened, it was more as a financial necessity in the wake of the civil rights movement than an attempt at replicating the wide success of the program with girls

Still, with a slightly different approach, which added more shame on the nudity from the boys, the program managed to provide good results. Enough for more schools to open, and for a reformation to allow co-ed schools.

We were the first reform school for Cronenberg graduates in trouble with the law. The Nevada facility, opened ten years later, was the first to allow boys in their program and quickly added male chastity to their process.

To put a man in chastity, a metal tube is put over the penis, small enough to prevent erections while still allowing urination and cleaning. The tube is locked to a ring that goes under the scrotum, and which fully prevents removal. While in chastity, a man cannnot masturbate or have sex.

Studies about the Nevada program show that boys who went throught the 3 year process show a 63% reduction in violent tendencies and a 82% increase of self-control regarding sexual attraction. In fact, 24% of the participant became life long chastity wearers, even after marriage.

At the annex, instead of offering chastity as the only way to be in mixed gender company(in Nevada, it is still optional), we instituded in 2019 a full male chastity program. All of our male members are kept in chastity for the whole duration of their program.

This keeps our female members safe, and prevents any sexual encounters between the genders. It also fully stops any perverted gay acts from our male residents, a problem Nevada is still struggling with.

A serious college degree

Instead of prison, your child will receive from a partner college a serious science or management degree which will propel them into a lucrative career

94.6% of participants make more than $100,000 per year, four years after graduation. 97.2% get a job within 6 weeks of release from all charges.

Over 99.5% of the participants are never arrested again, and half of those who are, are for minor things.

Profond psychological effects

A study from 2004 about the then female only graduates of our program found that:

  • Over 89% consider their time in our program to be the main reason they found success in their life
  • Over 61% consider the program helped them raise their self-esteem... and 32% consider it help them lower it to a more appropriate level. 96% are happy with the result.
  • Over 78% of the husbands of the partipants of our program credit the success in their mariage to our program
  • Over 98% would choose to send their daugthers to a Cronenberg school, and almost all of them would recommand our program over prison time for their child
  • A little over 38% had decided to financial contribute to the success of the program. About 12% contribute monthly (note, no solicitation is ever made for money)
  • Only one former student, from decades of operation, committed suicide. She was sadly a victim of domestic violence.
  • Speaking of domestic violence, almost all participants who experiences domestic violence told us that the lessons learned with us helped them escape safely.
  • Only 2 former partipants became sex workers. Both had been sentenced for sex work and returned to their previous deviance. For the record, over 200 young adult girls arrested for prostitution came thought our wall. Only one returned for sex work before 2004, and another in 2010.
  • And last but not least, less than 3% of the parents regret using the program for their child. According to the research, those that do, were mainly the cause for their children's problems and the child was happy for the chance to escape them.

Our graduates mostly consider they are more mentally healthy, happier and better adjusted to society after their three years of our program.

Once per month, the 3 most fit girls are allowed a 30 minutes picnic in front of our facility. It is the only time they are allowed in public.