For students to be admitted, they need to have gratuated from an affiliated private high school
Both Cronenberg official Academies and Reformed Cronenberg Schools are usually eligeable for the program.
A few non-affialite schools which use nudity as a form of punishment or obligation had their former students succesfully accepted by a judge for an alternative to prison.
Usually, students from naturist schools or clothing optional alternative schools are rejected by judges.

The core principle for both official acedmies and the reformed schools are the same: teaching dicipline and humility by enforcing nudity as the sole punishment for breaking rules.
That reformed schools allow both genders at their facilities doesn't exclude them from our program. It didn't when we were girls only, and now, boys from those schools are now accepted as much as those from boys-only schools.
Cronenberg Academies for Girls
- Richmond, both campuses, including the 320 girls from the dorms and the walk-in students. Note: extremely strict with punishment
- Norfolk, all walk-in students, but not the 30 dorm residents due to local county rules.
- Fairfax, none of the students still living in the county, but those outside the county are allowed. No dorm are at this academy.
- Fredericksburg, a dorm only academy of 400 girls, all eligeable.
- Roanoke, only the 600 dorm students are eligeable, not the few walk-in students due to local county rules
- Louisville, both the 712 dorm students and the walk-in students are eligeable. Local judges are usually ready to agree.
- Lexigton, The senior Local judge usually only allows parents who move out of state.
- Olaton Rural Academy (not branded Cronenberg). All 522 dorm students are eligable. No walk-in students at this school.
- Memphis, all 320 girls from the dorms and the walk-in students, if under 21
- Lynchburg, all 540 girls from the dorm and the handful of walk-ins, if under 21
- Chattannooga, all 1080 girls from the dorms and the few walk-ins, if under 21
North Carolina
- Charlotte, All walk-in students. No dorm are at this academy.
- Raleigh, this academy is new and doesn't have graduates yet. Will be eligeable. Dorm still under construction for 564 students
South Carolina
- Charleston, All walk-in students. No dorm are at this academy.
- Columbia, All walk-in students. No dorm are at this academy.
- Columbus, all 882 girls from dorm and the many walk-in students.
- Willie Rural Academy (not Branded Cronenberg). All 2452 dorm students, and the local walk-ins
- Savannah, all students, no dorm are at this academy
- Montgomery, all students, no dorm are at this academy, if judge agrees
- Birmingham, all students, no dorm are at this academy, if judge agrees
- Forest Home Rural Academy (not branded Cronenberg), all 1650 dorm students, no walk-ins at this academy, if a future judge agrees (local judge currently against). Note: extremely strict with punishment.
- Jackson, all students, no dorm are at this academy
- Meridian, all 326 girls from dorm and the walk-in students
- Homichittto Rural Academy (branded Cronenberg), all 718 dorm students, no walk-ins at this academy
- Baton Rouge, all students, no dorm are at this academy
- Lafayette, all 226 girls from dorm and the walk-in students
- Folson Rural Academy (Not branded Cronenberg), all 4522 dorm students, no walk-ins at this academy. Note, has it's own college program for rehabilitation, only for Louisiana students.
- Gainesville, all students, no dorm are at this academy
- Boca Raton, all 696 girls from dorm and the walk-in students
- Everglades Rural Academy (Branded Cronenberg), all 8342 dorm students, no walk-ins at this academy. Note: extremely strict with punishment
Cronenberg Academies for Boys
- Richmond, both the 210 boys from the dorms and the walk-in students. Note: extremely strict with punishment
- Norfolk, all walk-in students, but not the 22 dorm residents due to local county rules.
- Fredericksburg, a dorm only academy of 300 boys, all eligeable.
- Roanoke, only the 200 dorm students are eligeable, not the few walk-in students due to local county rules
- Augusta, All walk-in students. No dorm are at this academy.
- Louisville, both the 212 dorm students and the walk-in students are eligeable. Local judges are usually ready to agree.
- Memphis, all 120 boys from the dorms and the walk-in students, if under 21
- Lynchburg, all 220 boys from the dorm and the handful of walk-ins, if under 21
North Carolina
- Raleigh, all former students before it was converted to a girls academy.
- The future boys academy when the location will have been finalized.
South Carolina
- Charleston, All walk-in students. No dorm are at this academy.
- Wilmington, all 246 boys from the dorms and the walk-in students
- Columbus, all 242 boys from dorm and the many walk-in students.
- Terrell Rural Academy (not Branded Cronenberg). All 1248 dorm students, and the local walk-ins
- Albama laws still only allow Cronenberg Academies for girls, not for boys.
- Mississippi laws still only allow Cronenberg Academies for girls, not for boys.
- New Orleans, all students, no dorm are at this academy
- Beaumont, all 86 boys from dorm and the walk-in students
- Uneedus Rural Academy (Not branded Cronenberg), all 2804 dorm students, no walk-ins at this academy. Note, shares the college program with nearby Folsom Rural Academy.
- Tallhassee, all students, no dorm are at this academy
- West Palm Beach, all 348 boys from dorm and the walk-in students
- Big Cypress Rural Academy (Branded Cronenberg), all 3680 dorm students, no walk-ins at this academy. Note: extremely strict with punishment
Reformed Cronenberg Academies for Boys and Girls
- Virginia Beach, all 460 girls and 230 boys from the dorms and the walk-in students
- Alexandria, all walk-in students, no dorms at this academy.
- Fort Knox, no dorm at this academy. Local judges are usually ready to agree.
- Nashville, no dorm at this academy, if under 21
- Knoxville, all 420 girls and 200 boys from the dorm and the walk-ins, if under 21
North Carolina
- No Reformed Academies are in this state
South Carolina
- No Reformed Academies are in this state
- Atlanta, all students, no dorm are at this academy
- Alabama laws still only allow Cronenberg Academies for girls, not for boys, so no Reformed Academies.
- Mississippi laws still only allow Cronenberg Academies for girls, not for boys, so no Reformed Academies.
- Alexandria, all 110 girls and 60 boys from dorm and the walk-in students
- Fort Myers, all students, no dorm are at this academy
Non-affiliated schools
These schools are not affiliated with either Cronenberg associations and some have different values.
- Williamsburg Reform School. Only the 260 female dorm students are exposed to nudity punishments and only in the dorms. Still eligeable.
- Georgetown Fort Knox, no dorm at this academy. Local judges are usually ready to agree.
- Berry hill alternative school. Nudity is rarely enforced, just rarely choosen by students as alternate punishment. Still eligeable, if under 21
North Carolina
- Durham's last chance for troubled girls. Nudity isn't used as punishment, but rather, for empowerement. Still eligeable.
South Carolina
- The Florence New age alternative school. The co-ed Students can choose their own dress code, including nudity. Can be eligeable if judge is open-minded enough.
- Kids from the New Church of Eden sect have successfully in the past joined our program when faced with non-violent felonies, if they reject the sect.
- No judge agreed so far for any of the non-affiliated schools.
- The Mrs. Smith boarding school forces the 108 girls sent as an alternative to juvenile detention to sleep in the nude. Usually eligeable.
- No case history for our college, but the Folsom Rural Academy is usually able to help.
- Kissimmee Naturist Private home schooling, two students from the school argued their nudity was choosen by their naturist parent and should be eligeable for our program. One succeeded.
- Dade City Tough Love Reform Schools for highly troubles girls. As all 38 girls are kept nude 24/7, they are elligeable as the school is a form of punishment.
Cronenberg schools from other states
Judges from other states are usually not willing to send young adults to Florida from other states, but if the parents are willing to relocate, the following states had some success:
- Missouri, notably from the Jefferson City school, for students in the dorm, whose parents aren't from Missouri. Girls only
- West Virginia only has a small Cronenberg school in Charleston. Most petitions to join our program failed, but one succeeded since her divorced parents were split between Virginia and West Virginia
- Maryland, only if the parents legally relocate to Florida before the sentence is passed, and they petition to be closer to their childen.
- Hawaii has two Cronenberg Private Schools, no official reform program for young adults. The Annex might be acceptable based on previous decisions
- New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusett, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine instead use the similar reform school in Harrisburg PA. First to allow boys.
- Alaska, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, use the similar reform school in Springfield Illinois, but it is for girls only so far.
- Kansas, Montana, North Dakota and Idaho do not have any Cronenberg schools at this moment.
- Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma do not currently allow reform colleges as alternate sentence
- Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado use a co-ed reform school in Nevada. First to use chastity on male convicts.